It is possible that you’d want to allow access to an inbound “service” that needs authentication before you actually hit the service it’s destine for. Lets say you have a web-server on the inside of your firewall. It has semi-private data on it, that you can’t easily secure with the web-application. Maybe you have a situation where you just want the service to be protected with a pre-authentication so brute-force against the web-application won’t work correctly.
Here’s how:
Create your VIP – If you don’t have one.
config firewall vip | Enter into VIP |
edit External_HTTPS_T11443_w1 | Name 1st VIP (I uses _w1 because you could create multiple for multiple WAN connections) |
set extintf wan | Set External Interface |
set mappedip | Set Internal IP |
set portforward en | Enable PAT |
set extport 11443 | This is your External Port to Access GUI (I suggest not using 443) |
set mappedport 443 | This is the Internal Mgmt Port (443 is default) |
End | End |
Create a local user account – You could use LDAP if you wanted, but not covered in this tutorial.
config user local | Enter Local User Creation |
edit allow | Enable the Account |
set passwd SecurePassword | Set a Secure Password |
end | End to save |
Create a group to use for policy
config user group | Enter Group Creation |
edit ServiceAuth | Name the group |
set member “allow” | set the members, “allow” is the local account create previously |
Config firewall policy - If you don’t have one.
config firewall policy | Enter Firewall Policy Creation |
edit 0 | “edit 0” creates a new entry after the biggest number. |
set srcintf wan | set the Source Interface (wan) in this instance, probably a port or wan1/2 for you |
set dstintf InternalSwitch | set Destination Interface (InternalSwitch). Likely a port or internal for you. |
set srcaddr “all” | Set your Source Address. This is the group you created in previous steps |
set dstaddr “External_HTTPS_T11443_w1” | Set your Destination Address. This is your VIP Group you created earlier |
set action accept | Accept the traffic |
set identity-based enable | Enable the ability to do Identity Based |
edit 0 | Create next ID |
set schedule always | Set schedule |
set logtraffic enable | Set logging of traffic |
set groups “ServiceAuth” | Set the group (Created earlier) |
end | End the Identity policy |
end | End the Firewall Policy Save |
How to use this new policy
- Regardless of service needed, port forwarded/authenticated or any other application using this policy, you must first authenticate to the firewall before using it.
- It is extremely important that you authenticate using HTTPS and not HTTP. Otherwise, your credentials pass in the clear.
- Ex. if protecting RDP, you have to first go to https://ExternalIP:3389 and login with the local/group that is allowed into the policy
- Once you authenticate, you can then RDP directly into the ExternalIP
- Once you authenticate, the authentication timer is started. It is possible you’d want to extend this
config user setting Enter the User Setting set auth-timeout 240 Set the timeout in minutes for 4 hours, 480 minutes is the max. end end and save