Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Dow Jumps 430 Points… Or should it just jump off a building and go away.


I am no economist, but I am a realist.  I understand there are rich people that know rich people and they all sit around, drink tea and eat crumpets while the figure out how to further screw the common man. 

Not that I know what a crumpet is, but here’s the link if you want one via: Crumpet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So starting over a weekend, the S&P comes up with this crazy idea that the US government is getting along worse than it has in the past.  I’m kind of curious if they ever studied the Civil War or the Great Depression…  I know, different circumstances…  So they decide to downgrade our credit rating from a “AAA” to a “AA”.  I’m unsure who comes up with this scale but when I was in school, we used “plus” and “minus” signs to show what side of a grade you were on.  For some reason, they just add A’s, to the value until they make sure that someone out there is a bit higher or lower, pending on how they felt that day.  Regardless, of all that, S&P seem to have made some sort of calculation mistake, so this calculation mistake was like $2 Trillion in Value via: Just the Facts S&P's $2 Trillion Mistake, that looks like this $2,000,000,000,000, I sure hope this happens next time I balance my checkbook…

Regardless, the S&P makes a mistake, the insiders that get paid from S&P by the DOW marketers and other rich folk that are looking for that “snitch” on the inside get tipped about this “false” value.  They alert the news media maybe this guy was involved? Ted Turner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now are you still following me?  Recap.  S&P makes mistake, insider tips a rich guy, rich guy tips news media to drive fear, fear creates a market crash, and the rich folks have enough money to understand to keep what they have and buy as much as possible when the market crashes.  When the market recovers *As it always has* they come out like champs because it’s almost Christmas shopping season, and the rich folk need a raise.

I keep hearing about this market crash, but I remember not to long ago when the market hit 10,000, they were worried it wouldn’t roll over, kinda like Y2K, but rich folks involved not geeks.

DOW Jones Graph from 8/9/11 after the 11th biggest gain in history, but this is also after one of the largest losses in history. 

Only thing I can say here, is that I’m really glad that I’m not retiring anytime soon.  Wish I had a few cool Million to invest this morning.

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